The Mathematics of Knots with Jessica Purcell

Join Professor Jessica Purcell on a journey into the mathematics of knots

POSTPONED: The mathematics of knots with Jessica Purcell

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Since prehistoric times, humans have used knots for their functional and aesthetic value. Knots, links and braids have held decorative, artistic and spiritual significance across a myriad of cultures. For mathematicians, the study of knots has led to insights in disciplines such as geometry and topology.

When is a knot not a knot—how do you know if it can be unknotted? How do you know if two knots are the same? Professor Purcell’s ongoing research explores some of the modern tools to study knots and some of the surprising applications of knot theory, such as quantum physics, synthetic chemistry and molecular biology.

Speaker bio: Jessica Purcell is a Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences and Associate Dean of Research (Faculty of Science) at Monash University. Her research interests are in geometry and topology, with a particular interest in 3-manifolds, hyberbolic geometry and knot theory. Professor Purcell will visit SMRI in late 2021 as part of the Domestic Visitor Program (2020 Round 2 Awardee).

Larissa Fedunik-Hofman

Event Details


Jul 15, 2021
18:00 AEST




14 July 2021 via Eventbrite


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Postponed event