April 2024

 New Scientist feature article feat. Geordie Williamson (10 April): “How AI mathematicians might finally deliver human-level reasoning”
 Cantor’s Paradise article by communications coordinator Larissa Fedunik, feat. Stephan Tillmann and Jessica Purcell (10 April): “A journey through the knotty world of hyperbolic geometry and 3-manifolds”

December 2023

 SMRI visitor profile of Andrew Krause (20 November): “A world of mathematical patterns” featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 222, hosted by John D. Cook

October 2023

 “Spotlight on topology and algebraic geometry” research spotlight article featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 220, hosted by Infinitely Irrational

September 2023

 University of Sydney news feat. Geordie Williamson (28 September): “University researchers and alumni to feature in SXSW Sydney 2023”
Communications coordinator Larissa Fedunik’s interview with Endre Szemerédi featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 219, hosted by Reflections and Tangents

July 2023

 New York Times science feature article feat. Geordie Williamson (2 July): “A.I. Is Coming for Mathematics, Too”
 University of Sydney news feat. Geordie Williamson (4 July): “Sydney scholars honoured with top Australian fellowship”
ABC Songs & Stories (30 July): Host Robbie Buck chats to Geordie Williamson about the beauty of mathematics, AI, mental health and more, 1:36 hours into recording

May 2023

AP Archive video (22 May): “Can the latest AI technology out-math the mathematicians?” feat. Geordie Williamson and Lindon Roberts, University of Sydney
SBS News in Depth (20 May): “Mathematicians say artificial intelligence just doesn’t add up” feat. Geordie Williamson and Lindon Roberts

March 2023

 SMRI visitor profile of Francisco Crespo (10 February): “Celestial mechanics and the full n-body problem” featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 213, hosted by Sam Hartburn

January 2023

 “Spotlight on spectral flow” research spotlight article featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 211, hosted by Ganit Charcha

November 2022: Geordie Williamson wins NSW Premier’s Prize

 University of Sydney news feat. Geordie Williamson (2 Nov):“Three wins at the NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering”
 NSW Government Chief Scientist & Engineer (15 Nov): “NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering”
 The Mirage article (Education) (2 Dec):“Three wins at NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering”

July 2022

 SMRI visitor profile of Ivan Guo (4 July):“Financial models of the future” featured in the Carnival of Mathematics Number 206, hosted by Storm Bear World
 New Scientist feature article by SMRI communications coordinator Larissa Fedunik (12 July):“How many knots exist? A new computing trick is untangling the answer”
ABC Evenings with David Astle (7 September): Larissa Fedunik discusses “A Knotty Problem” (2:00-2:24 hours into recording)

March 2022

 Quanta magazine article (7 March): “In New Math Proofs, Artificial Intelligence Plays to Win”

December 2021: Nature publication “AI-guided intuition”

Nature cover: AI-guided intution

 SMRI YouTube video (14 March 2022): “Intuition meets AI in pure mathematics”, also featured in Math off the grid Carnival of Mathematics blog post (3 April 2022)
 Quanta magazine article (15 Feb 2022): “Machine Learning Becomes a Mathematical Collaborator”
 University of Sydney news feat. Geordie Williamson (2 Dec 2021): “Mathematicians use DeepMind AI to create new methods…”
 The Conversation article by Geordie Williamson (2 Dec): “Mathematical discoveries take intuition and creativity…”
Nature News feature (1 Dec): “DeepMind’s AI helps untangle the mathematics of knots”
 DeepMind research blog post (1 Dec): “Exploring the beauty of pure mathematics in novel ways”
 New Scientist technology news article (1 Dec): “DeepMind AI collaborates with humans on two mathematical breakthroughs”
 University of Oxford news release (1 Dec): “Machine learning helps mathematicians make new connections”
 VentureBeat article (1 Dec): “DeepMind claims AI has aided new discoveries and insights in mathematics”
 TechCrunch article (2 Dec): “AI proves a dab hand at pure mathematics and protein hallucination”
 COSMOS article (3 Dec): “The AI making waves in complex mathematics”
 Silicon Reckoner blog post (3 Dec): “News flash: DeepMind and “the beauty of pure mathematics”
 Combinatorics and more blog post (4 Dec): “To cheer you up in difficult times 33: Deep learning leads to progress in knot theory and on the conjecture that Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials are combinatorial”
 Science Alert tech news (4 Dec): “AI Is Discovering Patterns in Pure Mathematics That Have Never Been Seen Before”
 Towards AI Deep Learning blog post (4 Dec): “Inside DeepMind’s New Efforts to Use Deep Learning to Advanced Mathematics”
 DailyAlts Artificial Intelligence news (6 Dec): “Artificial Intelligence: New Revelations In Pure Mathematics By AI”
 Live Science news (7 Dec): “DeepMind cracks ‘knot’ conjecture that bedeviled mathematicians for decades”
 SingularityHub article (7 Dec): “How DeepMind’s AI Helped Crack Two Mathematical Puzzles That Stumped Humans for Decades”
 IANS news (2 Dec): “DeepMind & Mathematicians Use AI To Solve The Knot Problem”
 Analytics Drift data science news (6 Dec): “DeepMind Makes Huge Breakthrough by Discovering New Insights in Mathematics”
 Analytics India Mag opinions piece (7 Dec): “Australian mathematician cuts through knotty questions with AI”
 Ask Innovative India AI news (9 Dec): “DeepMind’s AI aids in the deciphering of knot mathematics!”
 Article in Sky News (2 Dec): “Mathematicians hail breakthrough in using AI to suggest new theorems”
 Article in Independent (2 Dec): “Scientists make huge breakthrough to give AI mathematical capabilities never seen before”
 Article in The Times (2 Dec): “DeepMind’s artificial intelligence software helps mathematicians pinpoint patterns”
Numberphile podcast feat. Alex Davies, DeepMind & Marcus du Sautoy, University of Oxford (3 Dec): “Google’s ‘DeepMind’ does Mathematics”
2ser Science Spotlight with Cameron Furlong feat. Geordie Williamson (9 Dec): “Mathematics and AI”

September 2021

The Science Show with Robyn Williams episode feat. Geordie Williamson & Nalini Joshi (25 September): “Science and the public good – mathematics”

August 2021

The Aperiodical coordinates the Carnival of Mathematics, a monthly blogging roundup hosted on a different blog each month.
The posts compile interesting recent items on mathematics from around the net.

Carnival of Math August

Upcoming visitor Jessica Purcell‘s SMRI profile video featured in Carnival Number 196, hosted by ThatsMath.

March 2021

March 2021 visitor Jared Field‘s SMRI profile video featured in Carnival of Mathematics Number 191 , hosted by Fractal Kitty.

September 2020

 Geordie Williamson announced as Australian Museum Eureka Prizes finalist (26 September): “CSIRO Eureka Prize for Leadership in Innovation and Science: Professor Geordie Williamson”

June 2020

Quanta feature: Abstractions Blog feat. Geordie Williamson (9 June): “The ‘Useless’ Perspective That Transformed Mathematics”

Post about Quanta feature above on Peter Woit’s Columbia University Math blog (9 June): “An Advertisement for Representation Theory”

Nature News Feature feat. SMRI visitors (4 June): “Scientists’ worlds will shrink in the wake of the pandemic”

August 2019

Article by Geordie Williamson for Ockham’s Razor, ABC Science: (28 August): “Where do ideas come from? A mathematician ponders eureka moments and solving complex problems”

Article in The Sydney Morning Herald (3 August): “The link between maths, music and vibrating stars”

April 2019

Profile in Weekend Australian Magazine (3 August): “Geordie Williamson, mathematics professor”

March 2019

Article published by AMSI in Research & Higher Ed news (25 March): “Beauty in numbers: Geordie Williamson talks maths, poetry and launching SMRI”

December 2018

Conversations with Richard Fidler, Sarah Kanowski feat. Geordie Williamson (4 December): “Life in 248 dimensions”

Profile in Virgin Australia Voyeur (1 December): “Stars of 2018: Geordie Williamson” (p144)

November 2018

The Science Show with Robyn Williams episode feat. Sophie Calabretto (17 November): “University of Sydney opens new mathematics research institute”

Article in The Sydney Morning Herald (12 November): “Sydney University launches $6.5 million Global Mathematics Institute”

University of Sydney article (12 November): “Global mathematics institute launched at the University of Sydney”

August 2018

Article about Geordie Williamson in Campus Morning Mail (21 August): “In Conversation With: Geordie Williamson”

July 2018

Article about Geordie Williamson in The Sydney Morning Herald (13 July): “Maths prodigy comes home to establish $5 million world-class maths centre”

Feature article in The Sydney Morning Herald (21 August): “Australian mathematician becomes Royal Society’s youngest Fellow”

More Geordie Williamson interviews

YouTube playlist