National Science Week high school workshops

SMRI hosted two National Science Week after-school workshops for high school students at the University of Sydney on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 August. Visit the National Science Week 2023 event page for photos.


Infinity mathematics workshop, Wednesday 16 August, 16:3018:00

In this workshop, we will have a deeper look into counting to infinity and try to figure out if all infinities are equal or one thing can be more infinite than another one. We will explore the mathematics of infinity through discussion and solving problems.

This event will be presented by University of Sydney mathematician, Milena Radnovic.

About the presenterMilena Radnovic is Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University in Sydney. She was born, raised and educated in Belgrade, Serbia, where she worked for many years with talented students of the Mathematical High School and did research at the Mathematical Institute SANU. Before coming to Sydney, Milena also worked as a mathematician in the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Milena’s research work mainly focuses on geometry and dynamics. She is an enthusiastic teacher for students of all ages and levels of education.


Twist and Turn: The arithmetic of ropes


Twist and Turn: The arithmetic of ropes,Thursday August, 16:3018:00

In this activity, we take a mathematical spin on tangling and untangling! We will consider a situation where we have two ropes and apply two possible operations: a twist and a turn. In this simple setup, we can create deceivingly complex tangles, but can we untangle them using the same two operations? We will answer this question by exploring the mathematics behind these tangles in a combination of hands-on activities and discussions.

This event will be presented by University of Sydney mathematician, Andy Tran.

About the presenter: Andy Tran studied a Bachelor of Science/Arts majoring in mathematics, statistics and Chinese, and then completed a Master’s degree in Statistics. He is currently a PhD student with the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sydney. Andy is involved with a range of mathematical outreach activities including the National Mathematics Summer School and the Mathematical Problem Solving Correspondence Program (MaPS).

Larissa Fedunik-Hofman

Event Details


Aug 16, 2023
16:30 – 18:00 AEST




8 August 2023 via Eventbrite


Eventbrite registration


Past event