SMRI hosted two talks at the University of Sydney on Saturday 26 August, presented by mathematician Quan Lam from the Berkeley Math Circle (University of California Berkeley). Copies of the slides for both talks are now available.
Numbers Are Not So Simple: Primary school maths talk 10:00–11:30, Pharmacy Building (Lecture Theatre N342)

We’ll explore the topic of numbers, including:
1. The evolution of our number system
2. The importance of “zero”
3. Mysteries and patterns of numbers
4. Myths about some of the common properties of numbers
We may even have time to briefly explore the mystery of “infinity”.
Lecture slides
These lectures are copyrighted materials of Berkeley Math Circle. You can use them or share them with friends freely as long as no money transactions are involved.
2023 Numbers and counting.pptxFinite Counting.pptxThis talk is for primary school students in Sydney and their teachers. Students should be familiar with basic fractions (advanced knowledge of mathematics is not needed). Teachers of all subjects are welcome.
Being Average: High school maths talk, 13:00–15:00, Pharmacy Building (Lecture Theatre N342)

Join mathematician Quan Lam for this maths talk for secondary school students and teachers. We’ll explore the following topics:
1. What are some of the different kinds of “averages”?
2. When should we use them?
3. What are their applications?
4. How do we use these different types of averages and their relationships to solve difficult math problems?
Lectures slides
These lectures are copyrighted materials of Berkeley Math Circle. You can use them or share them with friends freely as long as no money transactions are involved.
2023 Being Average.pptxThis talk is for secondary school students in Sydney and their teachers. Students should be familiar with simple algebra (advanced knowledge of mathematics is not needed). Teachers of all subjects are welcome.
About the speaker: Professor Quan Lam is a mathematics lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley. He is a key organiser of the Berkeley Math Circle, which aims to challenge younger minds with mathematical activities and competitions. Math Circles introduce kids to the wonders of mathematics and encourage them to undertake future careers linked with mathematics.
Quan Lam carried out his undergraduate studies at California Institute of Technology and his graduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the Founder and Chairman of the World Mathematics Team Championship, the Chairman of the International Regions Math League and the Chairman and President of the United Math Circle Foundation.