Successful applicants for the Domestic Visitor Program – November 2020

Visit information up to date as of 10 December 2020. For current information, see the visitor list.

Masoud Kamgarpour (University of Queensland)
Research interests: Representation theory, algebraic geometry, number theory, geometric Langlands
Dates: 1 – 27 March 2021

Jared M. Field (University of Melbourne)
Research interests: Life-history theory, evolutionary game theory, mathematical ecology, Bayesian decision theory
Dates: 5 March – 2 April 2021

Michael Small (University of Western Australia)
Research interests: Complex systems, dynamical systems theory, nonlinear time series analysis, network science, applications
Dates: 11 – 18 April and 3 – 8 May 2021

Jessica Purcell (Monash University)
Research interests: Low-dimensional topology, particularly 3-manifolds, hyperbolic geometry, knot theory
Dates: 10 – 31 May 2021