Awards for SMRI and University of Sydney Maths affiliates

September 2024: Congratulations to SMRI Director Geordie Williamson, who was awarded the Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024. This prize, awarded by the Max Planck Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, honoured Geordie’s outstanding achievements in the use of algorithms in mathematics in 2024.

Congratulations to Dr Alan Stapledon, who was awarded a fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in the School of Mathematics for the August 2024 to July 2025 academic year. This prestigious membership allows for focused research and the free and open exchange of ideas among an international community of scholars at one of the foremost centers for intellectual inquiry.

December 2023: Congratulations to Dr Kevin Coulembier of the University of Sydney on being awarded the 2023 AustMS Medal, recognising his international leadership in Lie theory and representation theory, and his outstanding contributions to the field by solving several important and prestigious problems, which remained open for many decades.

September 2023: Congratulations to Dr Clément Canonne in the School of Computer Science on being named a 2023 NSW Young Tall Poppy, in recognition of his contribution to STEM. Clément’s research focuses on machine learning and developing principled approaches to data privacy.

August 2023: Congratulations to Dr Lindon Roberts in the School of Mathematics and Statistics on his award of a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA24). Lindon’s project, titled Robust Derivative-Free Algorithms for Complex Optimisation Problems, aims to develop new mathematical tools for complex optimisation problems where limited information is available.

July 2023: SMRI Director Geordie Williamson has been awarded an Australian Laureate Fellowship to unlock the secrets of modular representations.

Geordie Williamson and Simon Riche were awarded a Frontiers of Science Award at the International Congress of Basic Science in Beijing, China. The award is for the paper “Smith-Treumann Theory and the Linkage Principle” which was published in Publications mathématiques de l’IHÉS (2022).

Professor Serena Dipierro (University of Western Australia), a member of SMRI’s Scientific Advisory Committee, has been awarded a 2023 Future Fellowship to to tackle cutting-edge problems in the field of mathematical analysis, with specific focus on nonlocal equations. Dr Daniel Tubbenhauer from the University of Sydney’s School of Mathematics and Statistics has also been awarded a 2023 Future Fellowship to study symmetries in categorical representation theory, which will have benefits within mathematics, cryptography and even physics and chemistry.

May 2023: To mark and celebrate its 60th anniversary, the Statistical Society of Australia has put together a list of 60 historical and current prominent Australian statisticians, including 6 current, honorary and former staff of the University of Sydney’s School of Mathematics and Statistics:

March 2023: Dr Rachel Wang from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, a member of the SMRI Scientific Advisory Committee, has been awarded the Moran Medal in Statistical Sciences by the Australian Academy of Science, recognising her outstanding research at the interface of theoretical statistics, computational statistics and data-driven applied fields. Read the University of Sydney news article.

March 2023: Award-winning maths teacher and YouTuber Eddie Woo, known to students worldwide as ‘Mister WooTube’, has joined the Sydney School of Education as a Professor of Practice.

December 2022: Associate Professor Zsuzsanna Dancso from the School of Mathematics and Statistics was awarded the 2022 Vice-Chancellor’s Award for her outstanding contribution to Diversity and Inclusion.

November 2022: Professor Geordie Williamson has won the prize for Excellence in Mathematics in the 2022 NSW Premier’s Prizes for Science & Engineering.

September 2022: Geordie Williamson was an invited speaker at the 2022 Fields Medal Symposium: Akshay Venkatesh, held in October at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences in Toronto, Canada.

Professor Terence Tao, a member of the SMRI Advisory Board was named the Global Australian of the Year 2022 and the Awardee for the Education & Research Award.

Professor Serena Dipierro of the University of Western Australia, a member of SMRI’s Scientific Advisory Committee, has been awarded the Giuseppe Bartolozzi Prize.

July 2022: Professor June Huh of Princeton University was awarded with the Fields Medal, one of four 2022 Fields Medallists. Professor Huh visited the University of Sydney in 2019 to present the Dr Simon Marais Memorial Lecture ‘An intriguing journey in maths’, at the invitation of the University of Sydney and SMRI.

July 2022: Geordie Williamson was selected as a finalist for the Department of Defence Eureka Prize for Leadership in Science and Innovation.

May 2022: Pure mathematician Professor John Cannon FAA from the University of Sydney’s school of Mathematics and Statistic has been elected as a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.

December 2021: SMRI congratulates mathematicians recognised with awards at AustMS 2021, the 65th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society.

November 2021: SMRI Executive Director Stephan Tillmann has been recognised with the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award.

September 2021: Professor Terence Tao has been announced by US President Joe Biden as one of 30 new members of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

July 2021: Professor Helen Byrne, a member of SMRI’s Scientific Advisory Committee, has been awarded a 2021 Australian Laureate Fellowship through the ARC Laureate Fellowship Scheme.

June 2021: Professor Geordie Williamson joined the editorial board of Inventiones Mathematicae, the first mathematician working in Australia to be an editor of the journal.

March 2021: Professor Cheryl Praeger AC, a member of our Advisory Board, has been recognised with the inaugural Ruby Payne-Scott Medal and Lecture

Dr Kevin Coulembier from the School of Mathematics & Statistics has been awarded a Christopher Heyde Medal by the Australian Academy of Science recognising his early-career achievements.

February 2021: Professor Nalini Joshi, a member of our Scientific Advisory Committee, has been awarded the ANZIAM Medal for 2021.

January 2021: Professor Cheryl Praeger AC has been appointed as a Companion of the Order of Australia, the highest honour in the Australia Day awards.

December 2020: Professor Nalini Joshi has been jointly awarded the George Szekeres Medal for 2020.

November 2019: Professor Joshi was awarded the 2019 NSW Premier’s Prize for Excellence in Mathematics.

October 2019: Professor Cheryl Praeger AC won the 2019 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.